Lockdown Community Radio (LCR).Broadcasting hours update.
Thank you to you, our incredible listeners, callers and contributors for your support in helping Lockdown Community Radio grow out of this turbulent time. Due to its growing popularity, we have decided to move Lockdown Community Radio’s broadcasting hours.
From now on we will be broadcasting live from Velo Domestique every Wednesday and Thursday from 18:00 to 22:00 bringing you a selection of awesome guests including artists, musicians, community groups, businesses and hospitality people both locally and around the globe. These changes will also give us scope to invite guests on air, including live performances from artists and DJs, without compromising the safety of ourselves, the Velo Domestique team or their amazing customers.
Every Friday, we will be releasing a guest mix from one of our talented DJ friends, kicking your weekend off right with an eclectic selection of music to suit all tastes.
We appreciate your continued support and look forward to bringing you more great music, good people and community vibes over the airways.
Please get in touch if you are an artist, DJ, involved in a community project or a business that is reacting to this chaotic time and would like to come on air: lockdowncommunityradio@gmail.com
Live on air every Wednesday and Thursday 18:00 to 22:00
Featuring guest hosts We Broke Free every Thursday @we_broke_free
Speaking to artists, community groups, NHS workers, musicians and business owners on how they are reacting to the current climate
Bringing music, laughter and community from our home to yours
Call in during live hours on 07500 630 245